How to Maintain Piercing Hygiene at Home

How to Maintain Piercing Hygiene at Home: Essential Care Tips

Understanding Piercing Hygiene Maintaining proper hygiene for your piercing is crucial to prevent infections and to ensure a smooth healing process. Here’s how you take care of your piercing at home: Cleanliness: Wash your hands with soap and water before touching the piercing to avoid transferring bacteria. Clean the piercing twice a day using saline […]

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Why Does My Septum Piercing Smell

Troubleshooting Smelly Septum Piercings: Why Does My Septum Piercing Smell

If your septum piercing smells, bacteria accumulation from poor cleaning habits might be the cause. Cleanse daily using saline solution or gentle soap to prevent odor. Avoid touching with dirty hands and opt for breathable jewelry to reduce bacterial growth. Choose high-quality materials like surgical steel to minimize reactions. Stay hydrated and adjust cleaning to

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nose piercing sticking out of nostril

Prevent Nose Piercing From Sticking Out of Your Nostril

How To Prevent Nose Piercing From Sticking Out of Your Nostril: Verify that your nose piercing fits securely by selecting the correct size of jewelry. Choose materials such as surgical stainless steel or titanium to prevent irritation. Confirm the piercing is positioned at the natural crease of your nostril for a proper fit. Steer clear

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How to Clean a Copper Bracelet

How to Clean a Copper Bracelet : Most Effective Ways

Copper bracelets are becoming increasingly popular as a natural remedy for various ailments, including arthritis and joint pain. However, over time, copper bracelets can become tarnished and lose their shine. This can be frustrating for those who want to maintain the appearance of their copper bracelet. Fortunately, cleaning a copper bracelet is a simple process

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Preventing Keloids on Cartilage Piercings

Preventing Keloids on Cartilage Piercings: Expert Tips

Cartilage piercings have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people opting for multiple piercings on their ears. However, one potential issue that can arise with cartilage piercings is the development of keloids. Keloids are raised, thickened areas of scar tissue that form at the site of an injury, such as a piercing. While

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